Kolab2 postfix appends Hostname as Domainname

Markus Matiaschek kolab at arschkoch.de
Fri Dec 3 14:30:02 CET 2004


i've got a problem with sending of mails. The hostname of my mailserver is
mailtest, because it's for test purposes only and in our .local domain.
The error in /kolab/var/postfix/log/postfix.log is:

Dec 03 12:49:32 MailTest <info> postfix/smtp[5258]: D726C53D21:
to=<mmatiaschek at MailTest.MailTest>, orig_to=<mmatiaschek at MailTest>,
relay=none, delay=0, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found.
Name service error for name=MailTest.MailTest type=A: Host not found)

As workaround i even tried putting an mailtest.mailtest entry in /etc/hosts
and adding mailtest.mailtest in the admininterface to the kolab hosts list,
but nothing helped.
I would appreciate any hints you could give,

thank you,

Markus Matiaschek

Administration Intelligence AG
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