kolab under Mandrake10

DD linuxfox at telenet.be
Mon Aug 9 22:52:32 CEST 2004

I'm now experimenting with kolab a time and i have some questions about using it.
As i use kolab as a mailserver it works fine for my intranet. But when i want to send a mail to a internet mail he does not do it.
When i start Kontact he always asks me: Kmail will make the imap sources as a subdir of INBOX if you don't want it press no. (it is translated from dutch)
Why does he always asks that when i restart my PC or even restart Kontact?

When i get my contactpersons out of my ldapservers, by restarting Kontact my contacts are gone.
Also so when i make an event in the calendar he does the same.
I want that everyone can change the calendar. But i do not know how.

On the Kolab server when i make a Shared folder with the name AGENDE he puts a folder with the name user.AGENDA under Kolab. But what can i do with it. When i put something in it, other users can not see the file.
Thanks alot for your help.
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