obmtool kolab_bootstrap -b errors

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Aug 9 21:18:47 CEST 2004

On Thursday 05 August 2004 13:39, Andrea Soliva wrote:

> Anyway I don't understand why but I was mentioned
> to change to precompiled binarys from zfos and using obmtool.

Using source from zfos is another idea.
Usually that beats the precompiled binaries.

You could also try the development packages.

> I did this
> but also there I have after giving the command kolab_bootstrap -b errors
> which I could not identify.

> MISSPKG: none
> MISSING: none
> SURPLUS: none
> SUMMARY: NODE=proteus; CMD=kolab; DATE=2004-08-04/20:50:08; HASX11=; DONE

Seems that the install went fine.

> ---------- /tmp/obmtool.log ----------
> chmod o+rx /kolab/etc/kolab

(Why is that necessary?) 

> /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
> ---------- /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b ----------
> Please enter Hostname [proteus]: proteus
> proceeding with Hostname proteus
> Please enter your Maildomain [proteus]: comcept.ch
> proceeding with Maildomain comcept.ch
> Generating default configuration:
>  base_dn : dc=proteus
>  bind_dn : cn=manager,dc=proteus
> Please choose a manager password [ypf4AMvBhbYZ.]: xxxxxxx
>  bind_pw : xxxxxxx
> done modifying /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf
> use login=manager and passwd=pxxxxxxx when you log into the webinterface!

(You did not want to give us that password, did you?)

> postmap: fatal: unsupported map type: dbm

This is the first error, it seems that dbm is not available 
on for postfix on your system. Maybe that is an openpkg bug?

> diff: illegal option -- q
> usage: diff [-bitw] [-c | -e | -f | -h | -n] file1 file2
>        diff [-bitw] [-C number] file1 file2
>        diff [-bitw] [-D string] file1 file2
>        diff [-bitw] [-c | -e | -f | -h | -n] [-l] [-r] [-s] [-S name]
> directory1 directory2

That seems to be the second problem.
You might want to grep for uses of "diff" in the scripts
and see if that is a kolab or a openpkg problem.

> Any Help will be really appriciated....and many thanks in advanced!
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