pop3 receive problem / no logs of imap/pop3

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Aug 9 12:25:47 CEST 2004

On Thursday 05 August 2004 15:51, Jan Runte wrote:

Hello Jan,

> i installed Kolab 2.1.0 from zfos as rpm on a SuSE Linux 9.1 System in
> connection with MS Outlook 2000 clients. 

There is no such Kolab version, it only refers to the openpkg version used
(if I am not mistaken completely). You probably have a Kolab1-cf  system
and the date before the openpkg number refers to the packaging date.

> All works fine but the pop3-service cannot
> receive
> any mails from my external mailserver
> have I set a
> configuration for the
> a service to fetch the mails from the foreign mailserver?! 

If you want to actively fetch email from external,
you need to setup a script (with fetchmail or something) for yourself.
Usually external MTAs will directly deliver to Kolab's MTA.

> Then I search
> for the log files,
> but I have none. Only "/kolab/var/imapd/log/master.log" and
> "/kolab/var/imapd/log/misc.log"
> are there. But nothing interesting inside. In the configuration files
> "/kolab/etc/rc.d/rc.imapd"
> and "/kolab/var/etc/fsl/fsl.imapd" all paths were correctly set for pop3d.
> In the Log-File of
> fsl under "/kolab/var/fsl/fsl.log" I have two entries:
> server <error> fsl[.....]: could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE); exiting
> server <error> fsl[.....]: options and arguments MUST be seperated by
> whitespace
> I don't know where I have to correct this or from where it comes. But when
> starting again Kolab the log file with further error was no more extended
> while
> I test Kolab-Outlook connection.
> I think the cyrus daemon isn't started. But I don't anything about it and
> wheather it
> helps me.
> Who knows an advice?

I do not fully understand your situation.
If postfix cannot deliver an email coming in from outside
it will log it and the reason.

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