pop3 receive problem / no logs of imap/pop3

Jan Runte j.runte at gerontotechnik.de
Thu Aug 5 15:51:24 CEST 2004


i installed Kolab 2.1.0 from zfos as rpm on a SuSE Linux 9.1 System in
with MS Outlook 2000 clients. All works fine but the pop3-service cannot
any mails from my external mailserver. If I understand the documentation you
have to add users per webinterface and the user datas are used for all other
function by Kolab over ldap. You have only configure your Outlook 2000
with one appropriate user data. Sending and receiving within our network
perfectly - I received the mails or someone other - and outside the network
too (only
over one way - the transmission). I tried out with "telnet server 110"
whether the pop3-
server runs at all. It runs, but it cannot receive mails...have I set a
configuration for the
a service to fetch the mails from the foreign mailserver?! Then I search for
the log files,
but I have none. Only "/kolab/var/imapd/log/master.log" and
are there. But nothing interesting inside. In the configuration files
and "/kolab/var/etc/fsl/fsl.imapd" all paths were correctly set for pop3d.
In the Log-File of
fsl under "/kolab/var/fsl/fsl.log" I have two entries:

server <error> fsl[.....]: could not getenv(CYRUS_SERVICE); exiting
server <error> fsl[.....]: options and arguments MUST be seperated by

I don't know where I have to correct this or from where it comes. But when
starting again Kolab the log file with further error was no more extended
I test Kolab-Outlook connection.

I think the cyrus daemon isn't started. But I don't anything about it and
wheather it
helps me.

Who knows an advice?

Best regards,


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