Solaris 8 Compiling/Installing GCC rpm not possible

Timotheus Pokorra Timotheus at
Tue Aug 3 15:22:16 CEST 2004


I think the QIM is a bit unclear about how to run the rpm -bb / -ba
I did run it as user kolab, and then installed the compiled rpm as root
(rpm -Uhv). Though when I think about it, perhaps that does not make any
difference anyway...

Also make sure the path is always set correctly:
export PATH=/kolab/bin:/kolab/sbin:$PATH;

You might have a look at this page:
The obmtool should compile things automatically for you.

If that does not work, have a look at, there is a script that
could be helpful. Though I am not sure, if it is adapted to the latest
packages. Perhaps the date numbers have changed by now...

Hope that helps,


Am 3.8.2004 schrieb "Andrea Soliva" <soliva at>:

>Hi all
>now I'm trying to install kolab for about 3 weeks and tried several ways but
>allways after installing openpkg which works on my opinion well I could
>install make, patch, binutils but NOT GCC. I have several error messages but
>not really error messages which I could troubleshoot etc. It seems there is a
>problem with compiling GCC. What I also noticed that it is NOT possible to
>compile and install with the original Packages from Companion CD it means
>following Packages are installed on the system:

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