kolab 1->2 migration

Luca Villani luca.villani at wseurope.com
Fri Apr 16 11:37:05 CEST 2004

Alle 10:58, venerdì 16 aprile 2004, Bernhard Reiter ha scritto:

> Our plan is to improve integration with the OpenPGK project.

Can you explain to me the OpenPKG platform adoption reasons?
Google wan not my friend in this search... :-(((

Luca Villani                Wireless Solutions spa - DADA group
NOC manager                 Europe HQ, via Castiglione 25 Bologna
http://www.wseurope.com     Tel: +39 051 2966826    Fax: +39 051 2966800
GPG public key available    Mobile: +39 348 5298542 UIN: 76272621

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