kolab 1->2 migration

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Apr 16 10:58:02 CEST 2004

On Friday 16 April 2004 00:12, Patrick M. Ammann wrote:
> How long will kolab 1 be maintained, is there something planed
> to get fixed RPM packages for it?

A good question.
It depends from whom you have gotten a Kolab1 installation.
Where Kolab has been deployed by companies, they
will support Kolab1 as long as their customers wishes (and pays for).

As Kolab is a new project, our community has not been strong
enough to build a framework for smooth drop in updates.
This is not a bad situation as it is reasonable easy to support Kolab1
yourself on server side. 
On client side the migration to the KDE Kolab2 client will probably 
become necessary as some time. Kolab depends on how the used
main components handle this.

The good news is that the current plan is to make
the Kolab2 server easier to update using the infrastructure of OpenPKG.

> How does it actually work when security relevant bugs are found, is
> there a way to get updated RPM packages that are tested to work
> with kolab 1 and later kolab2?

When security bugs are found in components Kolab uses,
"upstream" will usually fix them fast.
You can use the vendor patches then to build new RPMs
or ask your vendor to do it.

Our plan is to improve integration with the OpenPGK project.
Then you can just get their new packages, making the process easier.

That was the rough overview.

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