Pre-KEP input sought: Priority for events? (in line with tasks?)(similar to VEVENT & VTODO?)

Shawn Walker swalker at
Tue Jun 7 17:18:04 CEST 2011

On 6/7/2011 9:41 AM, Georg C. F. Greve wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> Thanks a lot for the feedback!
> On Tuesday 31 May 2011 21.47:04 Shawn Walker wrote:
>>                 Outlook iCalendar
>> Urgent          1       0 to 3
>> Normal          0       4 to 6
>> Non Urgent      -1      7 to 9
> Shouldn't urgent map to 1-3?

Yes, should be 1-3.

> Because according to iCalendar, 0 means "unspecified" priority.
> Also I am guessing this is iCalendar to Outlook mapping? What do you do for 
> the other direction? 1 -> 2, 0 -> 5 and -1 -> 8?

This is how Microsoft does the priority.

-1 -> 9
0 -> 5
1 -> 1

> For me it is clear that priorities need to be possible, just as Doug 
> highlighted, some users expect them, and even if many of us do not find them 
> overly useful in many scenarios, Outlook & iCalendar have them, so we should 
> also do them.
> So right now we have as existing approaches:
> 	Outlook:		-1, 0, 1
> 	iCalendar: 	0-9
> 	Kolab:		1-5
> The feedback that priorities for tasks in Kolab are not heavily used to 
> anyone's knowledge would indicate that we are less restricted in how we want 
> to go about this, but like most people, I have a strong desire for consistency 
> within the Kolab format.
> So I am now honestly considering to propose to model priorities according to 
> what iCalendar does (so a missing priority value would equal "0") commonly for 
> Tasks & Events and follow Shawn's suggestion of establishing a common mapping 
> for all clients to increase consistency.
> This should be largely consistent for older data sets and eliminates one 
> potential step for conversion and thus loss (between Kolab and iCalendar).
> Comments? Thoughts? Suggestions?
> Best regards,
> Georg

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