Toltec connector and exceptions to recurring events

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Mon May 30 12:43:00 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 30. Mai 2005 10:35 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:


> > Can you please tell us if this extended semantic can be expressed with
> > the current Kolab XML format syntax?
> No, definitely not. The Kolab  XML syntax is more like the vCalendar RRULE
> semantics, while  I implemented the whole iCalendar

In the meantime I looked deeper into the problem. I am confident that I found 
a backwards compatible solution which the Kolab clients may then use for 
their implementation.

Basically I want to allow subevents which describe the modifications. This 
shall allow OL based clients to fully represent the semantics of the OL event 

I will send a patch towards the documentation later.

Joon: Please tell us what you further require.

-- martin

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e r f r a k o n - Stuttgart, Germany
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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