[Kolab-devel] [issue3997] Wrong status information of a deleted event.

Ludwig Reiter issues at kolab.org
Tue Dec 15 14:24:27 CET 2009

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

tested with Kontact e35 20091211.1061424-kk1

1. A sends an invitation to B and C.
2. C accepts the event.
3. B rejects the event.
4. A enters the update mails into his calendar.
5. A changes the time of the event.
6. B rejects again.
(I'm not sure, if B should need to reject again, because he had already rejected
the event, anyway...)
7. C enters the change into his calendar.
8. A deletes the test event.
9. B can remove the event from his calendar, but no event was in his calendar.
10.C gets a update mail with: This invitation was rejected.
(German: Diese Einladung wurde abgelehnt)
   He didn't reject the invitation, A deleted the event.
This seems wrong to me.

assignedto: allen
keyword: enterprise35, kde client
messages: 22861
nosy: allen, laurent, ludwig, till, tmcguire, vkrause
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Wrong status information of a deleted event.

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