[Kolab-devel] [issue1116] broken emails block outqueue without notice

Bernhard Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Mon Feb 6 13:29:09 CET 2006

New submission from Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>:

This happens unregularily I expect it to happend with versions around Proko2 2.0.4.

Somesome there is a broken email (empty everything) sitting in the outqueue,
blocking other emails. However even when users write a new email,
they do not get a dialog box warning them.
So they wonder after two days or so, why emails are not leaving them.

One kludge that would help the situation would be a dialog box that
remind the user about unsend emails in the outqueue when kontact is closed.
However an even better solution would be to never have a situation where
the user can try other emails and not get informed that they are blocked.

How could this happen in principle?
(Seeting to need-eg, because it cannot be reliable reproduced.)

assignedto: till
messages: 6499
nosy: bernhard, bh, david, till
priority: bug
status: need-eg
title: broken emails block outqueue without notice
topic: kde client, kksa
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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