[Kolab-devel] Who runs kolabconf?

Daniel Coletti dcoletti at xtech.com.ar
Wed Apr 12 22:36:30 CEST 2006

	I'm begining to see lots of problems using kolab
(kolab-server-2.1-beta-1 / OpenPKG version).
	If I add another domain and right after that I create a new user with
that domain, I see multiple problems:
- If the user tries to get emails using IMAP I can't see the Sent/Trash
folders right away
- When this same user tries to send an email, my thunderbird can't copy
the email in the Sent folder (I asume that that the problem is that it
is not created)
- When I send mails to this new user the postfix answers "Command
output: Failed to set recipient: Invalid response code received from
server, code 550"

If I run "kolabconf" by hand many of these problems disapear (specially
the 550 error code returned by postfix).

My question is ... who runs kolabconf? or configures the services after
a new domain is entered at the admin web page?



Daniel Coletti
XTech (Soluciones Linux para Empresas) - http://www.xtech.com.ar
25 de Mayo 293 - 5to. 'B'
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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