[Kolab-devel] [issue942] postfix relayhost parameter changed in ver 2.2 (kolab 2.0.1)

Achim Frank kolab-issues at intevation.de
Wed Sep 21 15:32:20 CEST 2005

New submission from Achim Frank <achim.frank at erfrakon.de>:

The new Postfix version of 2.2 which comes with openpkg 2.4 (kolab 2.0.1) has a
changed behavior of the relayhost parameter when an alternate port is specified.
Up to Postfix 2.1 the syntax acceps relayhost=[] as relayhost but
no more in version 2.2. The correct syntax is now  relayhost=[]:25000

The PHP code of Kolab webinterface automatically pre- and appends the braces
which result in errors of smtpd so no email can be sent any more.

The relevant code of the webinterface should be this (from
    73          $postfixrelayhost = $attrs['postfix-relayhost'][0];
    74          if( ereg( '\\[(.+)\\]', $postfixrelayhost, $regs ) ) {
    75            $postfixrelayhost = $regs[1];
    76            $postfixrelayhostmx = 'false';
    77          } else if( $postfixrelayhost != '' ) {
    78            $postfixrelayhostmx = 'true';
    79          } else {
    80            $postfixrelayhostmx = 'false';
    81          }

assignedto: steffen
messages: 5608
nosy: achim, martin, steffen
priority: critical
status: unread
title: postfix relayhost parameter changed in ver 2.2 (kolab 2.0.1)
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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