[Kolab-devel] [issue638] cannot trigger other account's pfb creation

Bernhard Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu Jan 27 17:24:13 CET 2005

New submission from Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>:

issue518 was related, but there we were dealing with the user's own folders.

So this issue is for triggering other account's pfb creation.
Currently we can use two values for X in 

   a) primary email address
                   Clients triggering for folders of other users could derive
                   this from the corresponding imap path component = name
                   and then adding "@maildomain" to it.
   b) the uid

(from rev 1.10 of

As name does not necessariy correspond to the uid,
there are two principal solutions:
   a) Server: Make "name" also work for X. Drawback: Might be a 
      problem if in the future a server can host serveral seperated
      mail domains (with seperated users).
   b) Make the client add the @maildoman part. Drawback: There is
      no reliable way to find this one, unless you save that as an option
      for the dimap account settings.

I think b) is the real solution.

assignedto: david
messages: 3723
nosy: bernhard, david, steffen, till
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: cannot trigger other account's pfb creation
topic: kde client, proko2
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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