[Kolab-devel] yet another way to build kolab

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri May 28 15:15:36 CEST 2004

On Friday 28 May 2004 12:05, Richard Bos wrote:
> Is devtool able to create kolab releases with a different prefix than
> /kolab? Most likely alternative prefix would be '/' (l_prefix=/) and
> referring to perhaps already installed servers (like /usr/sbin/apache,
> /usr/bin/openldap, etc).

I don't know,
but using the installed versions of some of the componentes
that usually come with Kolab is difficult.
You would need to have exactely the same functionality
which most of the time means you need to use the same compiler,
libraries and build options.

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