[Kolab-devel] [issue560] howto configure a group account.
Bernhard Reiter
kolab-issues at intevation.de
Fri Dec 3 18:13:47 CET 2004
New submission from Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>:
We should add howto set up a group account
from the two clients.
E.g. section31@
where two people shall be delegates and also see the emails.
a) Webinterface: Set delegates: delegate1 at domain delegate2 at domain
! KDE: Set up a new incoming dimap with the section31ł@ password,
sync, set the permissions on the folders to all for delegate1 at doman.
and delegate2 at domain, sync.
(The dimap is not needed anymore.)
2. With OL: You need a new profile (like with a new user):
Configure the account and set the permissions.
This user is still needed for all calender email that is not
automatically accepted or handled by KDE users.
c) If you want to read incoming emails with OL users,
consider switching on email delivery with the webinterface.
assignedto: michel
messages: 3195
nosy: bernhard, michel
priority: bug
status: unread
title: howto configure a group account.
topic: docs, proko2
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