Outlook2016 Home&Business + Contacts

Hernan Saltiel hsaltiel at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 23:41:18 CEST 2019

Hi Ladislav,

    I'll start creating a test environment for stuff such as the one
mentioned on your note, plus all the ones I already have, and need
clarification for. I tried here and on the IRC channel...

    I use Kolab 16 and Outlook, but I don't know if I fully understand your
issue. At Outlook you see a Contacts folder, or just the Contacts item?

    Best regards,


On Wed, Sep 25, 2019, 17:28 Ladislav Slanina <ladas at seznam.cz> wrote:

> Hi again.
> Nobody use Kolab with Outlook? Or otherway, should it work together? Can
> somebody say, where I should start to dig? Thank you.
> Greetings, ladas
> Hi everybody.
> I fight a bit with shared Contacts folder. I need for each kolab user one
> share Contact directory and one personal Contact directory. At Web
> interface
> it works correctly, but at Outlook2016 I can see only Contacts item. No
> personal folder, no shared folder. I even cannot add any other folder at
> Outlook. I check Activ sync settings but all folders are ticked for sync
> at
> web GUI.
> Can someone help with shared contact folders, please? I use shared
> Calendar
> and it works properly.
> Thank you for any answer.
> Greetings, ladas
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