Kolab Winterfell on NGinx

Friedemann Schorer friedemann at schorers.org
Wed Jan 25 21:49:49 CET 2017


I just installed a fresh Debian Jessie system and added Ondrej Surys'
PPA for PHP so I could use PHP 5.6 instead of the default PHP 7.0 for
the virtualhost. I decided to use nginx instead of apache and strictly
followed the nginx-howto at
https://kolabsys.com/howtos/nginx-webserver.html , copying the config
for the single domain installation and only adjusting names and paths
(because they slightly differ from CentOS). Configtest went fine, no
errors given, systemctl reports a running nginx and php5.6-fpm 

Accessing Webadmin interface went just fine, but Roundcube wouldn't work
- I get the login screen, enter my credentials, but then I get an error
500. Error log is empty (!), except when I set error level to debug. But
speaking honestly, I don understand what happens here. Anyone able to
help me out a little? 

Debug log can be viewed at http://pastebin.com/SuZyKuXd (replaced
hostname of course) 

I'd really appreciate :-) 


Cassandra Claire : I respect your position, Professor, he said. I just
don't share it.
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