User Disappeared from Kolab-Webadmin

Andy Kopciuch akopciuch at
Thu Nov 5 05:24:51 CET 2015

On Wednesday November 4 2015 22:28:51 Kristopher Kolpin wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I performed the exact steps you suggested.  I tried it with "ou" set to
> "resources" and "people" as those are the only two possible categories I
> could have created that user under.  However, ldapmodify was not able to
> find said user.  See output below:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------ deleting entry "cn=Network
> Printers,ou=Resources,dc=korkwithak,dc=com" ldap_delete: No such object
> (32)
>          matched DN: ou=Resources,dc=korkwithak,dc=com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------

That is not the correct dn.  Kolab dn entries are not made with the cn 
attribute, but with the uid attribute.

You probably need something like :

dn: uid=printers,ou=Resources,dc=korkwithak,dc=com

You'll need to know what the uid was for that entry.   The default policy is 
last name, and then duplicates increase by numbers.

User 1:
John Doe = john.doe at
uid: doe
dn = uid=doe,ou=People,dc=korkwithak,dc=com

User 2:
Jane Doe = jane.doe at
uid: doe2
dn = uid=doe2,ou=People,dc=korkwithak,dc=com


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