Kolab and PHP

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at kolab.org
Sat May 23 06:37:04 CEST 2015

Hello Olivier,

In general, I recommend running Kolab on a separate machine.
Nowadays you can easily set up virtual machines, and it is so much
less dependancies if you put different services on different machines.
So you would have Kolab on one virtual machine, and Piwik on another.
I personally use LXC Containers, and I am really happy with them. Here
are some scripts that I use everyday:

Regarding PHP:
Kolab Webadmin, Roundcube, Chwala and iRony use PHP.
Kolab 3.5 will depend on PHP 5.6. Therefore support for CentOS6 will
be dropped for Kolab 3.5. But as usual, people from the community are
welcome to implement support for CentOS6 plus some repository that
offers PHP 5.6 for CentOS6.

I did some work to get Kolab 3.4 working with PHP 5.6 because Debian
Jessie comes with PHP 5.6.
You can have a look at those patches, which you would need to apply to
your Kolab on CentOS6 as well:
Only a couple of lines need changing.

But as always for the community version, please first test the upgrade
to PHP 5.6 on a test machine.

I hope this helps,

On 22 May 2015 at 17:24, Olivier Boucard <olivier at pafostech.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I absolutely need to update my PHP version from the default Centos 6.6 where my Kolab is installed because I also have a Piwik install on it and they will drop the support for PHP 5.3 this month.
> My question is what features is dependent on PHP in Kolab?
> If I force the update to a newer version of PHP, which is not working right now only because of Kolab, and something goes wrong, what is the risk?
> Is there any vital parts of Kolab which risk to cease to function?
> Thanks
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