Segmentation fault quota -f kolab 3.3

Timo Posemann (RDG) t.posemann at
Tue Jan 27 16:18:13 CET 2015

Hello Timotheus,

many thanks for answer. This part is exactly the one i don´t understand. 
Why do i need a dump of this mboxlist from the old kolab2 system?
After my upload into the ldapsystem kolab creates automaticly the 
accounts in cyrus and created a own mailboxses.db with all my users. Or 
is this the problem?
I thought i can do the upload in LDAP use the old files from kolab2: 
mails, quota and seen files and don´t need the mboxlist dump?

Best regards,
Timo Posemann

Am 27.01.2015 um 09:57 schrieb Timotheus Pokorra:
> I remember I had similar problems.
> I have this in my scripts:
> mboxlist.txt is created from the Kolab 2.x server:
> sudo -u kolab-r /kolab/bin/ctl_mboxlist -d > $dumppath/mboxlist.txt
> On the Kolab 3.x server:
> for each domain:
> cat $dumppath/mboxlist.txt | grep "$domain!" > $dumppath/mailboxes.txt
> su - cyrus -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u -f 
> mailboxes.db < $dumppath/mailboxes.txt"
> for each mailbox:
> su cyrus -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct -r -f 
> user/$mailbox
> for each domain:
> su cyrus -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/quota -f -d $domain"
> for the seen flags:
> On Kolab 3.x:
>   find /var/lib/imap/domain/$firstchar/$domain -type f -name "*.seen" | \
>         sort | while read seendb; do
>                 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cvt_cyrusdb ${seendb} skiplist 
> ${seendb}.txt flat
>                 mv ${seendb} ${seendb}.orig
>                 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cvt_cyrusdb ${seendb}.txt flat 
> ${seendb} skiplist
>                 chown cyrus:mail ${seendb} ${seendb}.txt ${seendb}.orig
>         done
> I hope this helps,
>   Timotheus 

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