multi-domain - multiple SSL certificates

Axel ar at
Tue Feb 3 09:33:14 CET 2015


Am Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015, 11:16:35 schrieb Torsten Grote:
> On Monday 02 February 2015 20:24:15 Axel wrote:
> > Every major browser supports SNI since a couple of years.
> Some people may still want to access their server via programs that are not
> browsers. The programs might use CalDAV, SMTP, IMAP, etc.
> I don't think that all those support SNI.

i don't know exactly, but you can configure postfix to listen on multiple ip-
adresses or ports. perhaps it's usable with a configuration like this

And I don't know how to use certificates with multiple domains on a single IP

regards, Axel 

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