multi-domain - multiple SSL certificates

Daniel Hoffend dh at
Mon Feb 2 23:27:09 CET 2015


>> Every major browser supports SNI since a couple of years.

tbh I've never looked into SNI configuration yet. But that's up to you 
to configure your favorite Webserver to support SNI.

> Some people may still want to access their server via programs that are 
> not
> browsers. The programs might use CalDAV, SMTP, IMAP, etc.

Exactly. While Webbrowsers push the hostname to the webserver to get the 
right VirtualHost and SSL Certificate (via SNI) this method doesn't 
exist in the SMTP or IMAP protocol. There's simple no command or 
virtualhost support build in.

In this case you can't provide specific Records like 
You've to use your generic fqdn (, otherwise 
your mail client will tell you about a problematic SSL connection

P.S. *DAV are protocols over HTTP(s) and therefore would work. But not 

Daniel Hoffend

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