kolab 3.2 and freeipa interaction

Carlos R Laguna carlosr at jovenclub.cu
Fri Apr 25 23:11:40 CEST 2014

Hello lists i am in a test lab deploying a kolab 3.2 installation whit 
single domain but against a freeipa or a ipa- serve, both in centos 6.5 
the modifications to the postfix and cyrus-imap are easy to spot but i 
really want continue use the kolab-webadmin however i cant see where the 
modification most be may in order to connect a external 389ds any light 
in the subject will be great.Thank in advance for your time and effort.

 XII Edicion del Evento Nacional de Informatica para Jovenes. INFOCLUB.
 Septiembre. 2014. Ver www.jovenclub.cu

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