Fwd: No form controls under Add User in Kolab WebAdmin (solved)

Arthur Pemberton arthur at livecorpsolutions.com
Sun Oct 14 22:32:54 CEST 2012

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems)
<vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com> wrote:
> On 2012-10-13 23:53, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
>> Problem solved: I had to create the SQL user 'kolab' myself. I
>> thought
>> `kolab-setup` took care of that.
> It should have. I can only speculate as to what went wrong exactly, as
> I haven't seen this sort of thing happen in the hundreds of setups I've
> done myself.

Could checking for the user be added to the troubleshooting section of
the docs? It already has checking that the database exists.

Just by the way, I did this twice, with a fresh VM each time, and ran
into the same symptoms both time. I only solved it the second time

>> Are either of these pieces of information documented in the Kolab 3.0
>> Installation Guide?
> These are not specifically zoomed in on, as normally setup-kolab would
> take care of the creation of the 'kolab' database/user, and therefore no
> such situation as the one you found yourself in would have existed in
> the first place.
> We do, however, have a First Login chapter, that -for a certain set of
> circumstances- illustrates the necessity to verify whether the Kolab WAP
> database tables have been created correctly.

I did notice that, which helped a bit.

> Kind regards,
> Jeroen van Meeuwen
> --
> Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG
> e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
> m: +44 74 2516 3817
> w: http://www.kolabsys.com
> pgp: 9342 BF08
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