Which kolab version in production?

Geoff Nordli geoffn at gnaa.net
Mon Jun 4 00:01:26 CEST 2012

On 12-06-03 10:29 AM, Gelpi Andrea wrote:
> Hi,
> 	just a possible stupid question.
> In a production server with debian 6.0.5 which version have I to install?
> Aptitude search says only kolab 2.4.2 is installable.
> Is kolab 2.3.4 the last at the moment? Or there is 2.4.x somewhere?

I believe 2.4 is the recommended version as it provides an upgrade path.


But AFAIK there are no apt based packages.

You are going to need to use Centos/RHEL.

have a great day!!


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