Failed dependencies after rpm rebuild

Matthias Teege matthias-kolab-users at
Wed Feb 15 10:20:56 CET 2012


I've downloaded all kolab 2.3.2 src.rpm packges from and
rebuild anything with:

# for p in *.src.rpm; do /kolab/libexec/openpkg/rpm --rebuild $p; done

Then I try to install the packages with:

cd /kolab/RPM/PKG/
for p in *.rpm; do /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -Uvh $p 2>&1; done

but the postfix rpm is not build with the correct parameters:

# /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -Uvh postfix-2.8.3-20110531.amd64-ubuntu10.04-kolab.rpm 
error: Failed dependencies:
        postfix::with_ssl = yes is needed by (installed) kolabd-2.3.2-20110531
        postfix::with_sasl = yes is needed by (installed) kolabd-2.3.2-20110531
        postfix::with_ldap = yes is needed by (installed) kolabd-2.3.2-20110531

What have I missed? How do I build a usable postfix rpm?


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