LDAP Error: failed to modify kolab configuration object: No such object

Gavin McCullagh gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie
Wed Jul 20 18:00:34 CEST 2011


On Wed, 20 Jul 2011, Franz Skale wrote:

> If you want the local smtp as well (system messages etc.), you MUST
> configure kolab to use bind_any=FALSE.

It depends on your needs, but if you need to provide a relay to your users,
this may not be ideal.  A default kolab setup will provide authenticated
relaying, using kolab usernames and passwords.  The default exim4 will not.

> Other caveats i alredy described in some of my ohter posts.
> To use the local mailer then, you have to symlink /usr/sbin/sendmail to
> /kolab/sbin/sendmail.

Indeed. Or use something like ssmtp or nullmailer pointed at localhost:25
(kolab's postfix instance) as suggested elsewhere.

I had missed the fact that you were using the debian packages.  I'd say
this is probably your main deviation from the path.


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