anyone know how to bind kolab2.2.4 to a specific network adapter?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Wed Sep 1 20:53:33 CEST 2010

Zitat von Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at>:

> Hi,
> On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Shannon Kuchler wrote:
>> running kolab 2.2.4 on a server with more than one network adapter
>> I need to know how to make sure kolab binds to eth1 every time the system is
>> rebooted
>> I need eth0 for another instance on Apache
> When you say kolab, I gather you mean just the apache component.
> If you look in the apache template config,
> /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/httpd.conf.template you should see:
> @@@if bind_any@@@
> Listen 80
> Listen 443
> @@@else@@@
> Listen @@@bind_addr@@@:80
> Listen @@@bind_addr@@@:443
> @@@endif@@@
> so to bind to a specific address you need bind_any set to false and
> bind_addr set to the IP of the interface you want bound to.  You can set
> these in /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.globals

The settings should go into /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf as  
kolab.globals is meant to provide the default settings which should  
not be touched. I added a note concerning that to CVS HEAD a while ago  
but that will only be part of Kolab Server 2.3.




> This will also affect Cyrus and Postfix, though it appears not openldap.
> Be sure and test this.  I haven't actually done this, I'm just looking at
> the config files and inferring how things work.
> Gavin
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Gunnar Wrobel
Developer, Kolab Systems AG

e: wrobel at
t: +49 700 6245 0000

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