kolab aliases and distribution lists

Gavin McCullagh gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie
Mon Feb 8 19:48:21 CET 2010


as I've mentioned before we're planning a migration from kolab 1 to v2.2.3.

I haven't spotted docs on this, so I thought I'd ask here.  In kolab v1, we
tended to just use /etc/aliases to manage aliases and distribution lists.
This is messy and I don't recommend it, but that's what we did.  I'm now
looking to try to use Kolab's internal systems to look after this but I
need to make sure I understand what they each do before I go ahead.

We would on occasion:

1. Take one or more non-existent account names, eg "everyone" and create an
   alias to one or more addresses for a distribution list or just to give
   someone an alias, eg
	everyone:  person1, person2, person3 at foreigndomain, ....
2. Take an account of a former user who has left and alias it to their
   replacement staff member, eg.
	old_user:  new_user
3. Take an account and alias it to itself and someone else in order to copy
   mails to a second user as well as the primary user
	some_user:  some_user, some_other_user, some_other_user2 at otherdomain...

I see in the Kolab web interface that there can be N email aliases on an
account.  If I create account1 at domain and give it the alias alias1 at domain,
does that cause all email to alias1 at domain to go to account1 at domain or
email to account1 at domain to go to alias1 at domain?  In the former case, if I
set up account1 at domain with the alias1 at domain, does the email go to both
account1 and account2?

I also see that there are distribution lists which we'll very likely use
instead of [1] above.  The meaning of this is more obvious.  Is it possible
to hide a distribution list from the directory -- even to someone who is
authenticated?  For moderating lists we have had people email alias1 which
was the moderators and then bounced the email to alias2.  It's not
massively secure but it broadly works.  We'd prefer not to have everyone
see the latter alias though.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated


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