Kolab +samba

Sascha Schneider schneider at zawm.be
Mon Jul 20 00:31:48 CEST 2009

okay, now I see ...

gosa needs root rights to f.e. setup a /home dir for the users for user kolab 
has no rights on doing that.
So I could install the gosa webinterface into the kolab-www folder to use the 
openpkg-apache and migrate my existing openpkg-ldap like here 

of course the advantage of installing openpkg-samba and keep using 
openpkg-ldap would be that only one folder exists (/kolab) that has to be 
backuped to tape to have most of the system.

But your right, will torture my testinstallation a little bit to find out 

Greetings from belgium, Sascha 

Am Sunday 19 July 2009 14:45:20 schrieb Benoit Mortier:
> Le Saturday 18 July 2009 18:29:36 Sascha Schneider, vous avez écrit :
> > yet another question to setip kolab with samba
> >
> > I have samba and kolab alreay installed on my linux mainserver "Ubuntu
> > Hardy LTS 64bit" wich should replace our windows server as a pdc in
> > future. I want samba to use the openldap of kolab and read some wiki an
> > howto's on that but did not yet find the "best practice".
> > My questions:
> > 1) is it better to use the samba of my ubuntu or install samba from
> > openpkg 2) should I use openldap from ubuntu or openpkg
> > 3) should I take Gosa2 wit the samba and kolab plugins?? has someone a
> > detaild installation howto for that??
> Hello Sacha,
> When i have to do such thing
> i install a clean  debian put samba, apache, php5, gosa 2.6.x configure
> everything is should be.
> Stop ldap, apache etc..
> Bootstrap my kolab install
> extract the ldif from the kolab ldap contenaing nobody, calendar, manager
> etc...
> Stop everything kolab related
> import the lidf into my distrib ldap
> change the kolab config files to go to my distrib ldap
> and then desactivate the opnpkg ldap
> ;-) ...
> if you don't want to do all of that
> just install a Debian testing where everything is there including
> kolab2 .2.1
> Cheers

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