Broken apache config or Horde Typo? (Was: Horde questions)

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at
Fri Sep 12 21:52:19 CEST 2008

Albrecht Dreß <albrecht.dress at> wrote: 
> but the trigger fails with status 404:
> - - [11/Sep/2008:15:12:35 +0200] "GET  
> /freebusy/trigger/test2 at HTTP/1.1" 404 386

Looking into the Apache config on my box, I noticed that there is no rewrite
rule for "xpfb" files:

RewriteRule ^/freebusy/trigger/(.+)\.pfb
RewriteRule ^/freebusy/(.+)\.pfb
RewriteRule ^/freebusy/(.+)\.pxfb

... *but* notice a rule for "pxfb"...  Might this simply be a stupid typo,
either in the Apache config, or in Horde?

Thanks, Albrecht.

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