
Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Tue Oct 21 11:14:32 CEST 2008

Quoting Neil Price <nprice at>:

> I'm testing the Toltec connector on Kolab(I'm using it to write this
> message). The setup is a bit strange though I understand that is because of
> flaws in Outlook (big surprise).
> Calendar sync works fine, I find incoming email handling strange.
> As I understand it, Toltec downloads the mail through pop3 and then syncs it
> back to the server. This did not appear to work until I noticed a 2nd Inbox
> in Horde/Imp with the same emails that Outook sees. So I have 2 inboxes, is
> that the way it is meant to be? The documentation is silent on this issue.

As far as I know this is the way it is supposed to be. I guess it is  
somewhat confusing if you use it together with other clients. You  
should contact Toltec support if you need more detailed information.

> Anybody ever tried Open Connector beta ( with
> Kolab?

Not as far as I know. I don't have the impression it works with Kolab.



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