kolab-2.2-beta2; OpenPKG error: unexpected EOF

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Thu Nov 1 15:24:45 CET 2007

Sorry I didn't get a chance to follow up on the other suggestions before now, 
but I made a breakthrough, based on Bernhard's suggestion (below) and I 
believe I have the solution.  I am currently re-compiling "fresh" to see if 
indeed the problem I solved.

Now for the (relatively long) explanation of what I believe the problem to 

On Thursday 01 November 2007 04:16:18 Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Also try running the script with "bash -x" to find out what
> the called command is that leads to the problem.

I had initially received errors about there not being enough room in my 
$TMPDIR and that it needed a certain amount of room.  I have the /kolab 
partition on a seperate disk, so I created a /kolab/tmp directory and 
exported the $TMPDIR variable there.  By adding the "-x" to the "bash" line 
at the top of the '/kolab/lib/openpkg/openpkg' script, it spat out a lot of 
output, particularly about not being able to create/read certain files it was 
expecting to find in $TMPDIR.  I suddenly realized that OpenPKG had been 
coipled by the system's "root" user, but that the Kolab packages were likely 
being compiled under OpenPKG as one of the "Kolab" users, and that when I 
created '/kolab/tmp', I had not modified the permissions to make the 
directory world writeable, which I then created.

Before I blew away the existing OpenPKG installation, I ran the installation 
script and it didn't throw out any errors.  I stopped it from running, blew 
everything (except the sources) away and am currently compiling fresh.

Will post about any further errors, or if successful, will also do so, so as 
to "close" this issue.

Thanks again to all who have (thus far) taken their time to help me with this.

-Alan Murrell

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