PHP Warning: Operation not permitted

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Thu Jul 5 15:40:31 CEST 2007

Hi Sönke,

Sönke Ebert <soenke.ebert at> writes:

> Hi,
> I discovered an error in my apache-error.log:
> [error] PHP Warning:  rename(/var/tmp/imapcache6pXRbf,/kolab/var/ 
> kolab/www/freebusy/cache/architekt-miro^de/mirco^meier/ 
> Kalender.imapcache): Operation not permitted in /usr/local/kolab/var/ 
> kolab/php/freebusy/freebusyimapcache.class.php on line 191
> This message appears periodically when a outlook client is logged in.  
> It probably tries to read the freebusy information.
> My system is FreeBSD 6.2 running Kolab 2.1 final

the error message somehow looks strange: the script tries to rename
the file "/var/tmp/imapcache6pXRbf" to
but is not allowed to do so.

What irritates me is that the script is located in
"/usr/local/kolab/var/kolab/php/freebusy/freebusyimapcache.class.php". So
your kolab root seems to be "/usr/local/kolab" rather than local.

Can you give additional details about your specific setup?

Does the user running apache (probably kolab-n) have sufficient
permissions within



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