PHP Warning: Operation not permitted

Sönke Ebert soenke.ebert at
Fri Jul 6 16:41:27 CEST 2007

> the error message somehow looks strange: the script tries to rename
> the file "/var/tmp/imapcache6pXRbf" to
> "/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/cache/architekt-miro^de/mirco^meier/"
> but is not allowed to do so.
> What irritates me is that the script is located in
> "/usr/local/kolab/var/kolab/php/freebusy/ 
> freebusyimapcache.class.php". So
> your kolab root seems to be "/usr/local/kolab" rather than local.
> Can you give additional details about your specific setup?
> Does the user running apache (probably kolab-n) have sufficient
> permissions within
> "/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/cache/architekt-miro^de/mirco^meier/"?
> Cheers,
> Gunnar

yes, that's right. My kolab root is /usr/local/kolab. I think it  
should be like that everywhere cause it is documented  on the wiki page:

What do you need to know? The system runs stable since 2005 apart  
from some errors in saslauthd.log saying not beeing able to bind to  
ldap (toltec client).
Another thing that never really worked was the freebusy but I never  
had those errors in apache-errors.log before. It's there since I  
updated to 2.1.

I checked if the user running apache (it is kolab-n) has sufficient  
permissions. He's got r+w:
-rw-------  1 kolab-n  kolab-n  7922  6 Jul 13:35 Kalender.imapcache
-rw-------  1 kolab-n  kolab-n   695  6 Jul 13:35 Kalender.pfb
-rw-------  1 kolab-n  kolab-n    83  6 Jul 13:35 Kalender.pfb.acl
-rw-------  1 kolab-n  kolab-n  1656  6 Jul 13:35 Kalender.xpfb
-rw-------  1 kolab-n  kolab-n    83  6 Jul 13:35 Kalender.xpfb.acl

Maybe it has something to do with the change described here (german  

Moreover, I am still not sure where to put the email domain kolab is  
responsible for ( and where to put the server's  
hostname (server.architekt-miro.lokal). That might be essential  
especially for FreeBusy generation. The bootstrap was years ago and  
maybe there is an error in the config since then?
For example, there is this parameter in fbview.conf.template which is  
not clear to me:
// What is the address of the Cyrus server where the calendar data is  
$params['server'] = '@@@fqdnhostname@@@';
It is $params['server'] = 'server.architekt-miro.lokal'; in my  

Thanks for your help

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