initial install failure (bootstrapping failed)

Christoph Hanle christoph.hanle at
Mon Apr 9 10:58:26 CEST 2007

Hi all,
I need your help or a hint.
I am trying since two days to install Kolab, but without success.
Tested OS: Centos 4.4, Debian 3.1, Opensuse 10.1
Kolab-versions 2.0.4 and 2.1-rc-1.
I am always running in the same failure after ./obmtool kolab or
 ./obmtool kolab 2>&1 | tee kolab-build.log

following error occurs:
++ extracting OpenPKG source distribution failed to unpack into directory
/tmp/obmtool.3293.tmp: line 436:
/kolab/RPM/PKG/openpkg-2.5.4-2.5.4.*-*-*.sh: No such file or directory
obmtool:ERROR: bootstrapping failed

I am wondering about the part "*-*-*" in openpkg-2.5.4-2.5.4.*-*-*.sh

following folders and files are created:


the changing of the enviromentvariables under Centos 4.4 had no success.
changing to gcc 3.x is also done.

Any idea would be helpfull.


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