Installing Kolab on Suse 10.1

Markus Thüer zzz at
Sat Sep 2 17:14:51 CEST 2006



just ignore my first mail. I ran kolab-bootstrap again and the error was
solved. The sldap.conf is much longer now. 


But here my problems don’t end. It is definitely not ease to install kolab. 


I tried to use the source PKG packets from kolab, but I always got an error
compiling them. 

I tried to use the suse apt resources but I got an error installing them.

I tried the packets from  <>  Well - I got a bit
further. But I don’t get it running. 

I got it running on a testsystem with debian 3.1 but I don’t want to change
the OS on our server, for I am quite used to it. And got no idea how to
install Debian on a xeon motherboard with 2 processors. 



Has anybody compiled the PKG sources for Suse10.1?  And is willing to share
them?  Or know a link?











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