Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get() in /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/config/prefs.php on line 111

will trillich will at serensoft.com
Wed May 24 05:35:14 CEST 2006

On 5/22/06, Andrew J. Kopciuch <akopciuch at bddf.ca> wrote:
> Do a locate Registry.php
> It will show you where that file is.

# locate Registry.php

# ls -l /kolab
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 24 May 20 10:50 /kolab -> /home/will/kolab/server/

is that trailing slash causing any trouble?

> I'll bet that the install-packages.php was run with the system php.ini (not
> forcing the kolab php binary on the command line) and installed the Horde
> PEAR packages outside of the /kolab root.

# locate php.ini | grep ini$

coulda been -- but it wasn't, according to my command-line history...

> It's probably in /usr/share/php, or /usr/share/pear or a similar place, which
> is not in your include_path with the kolab PHP installation.
> You can :
> 1.  add that directory to your kolab php.ini ... you may have permission
> problems, and will need to chown all of the installed files to be readable by
> kolab.
> 2.  re-install Horde and when running install-packages.php force the kolab PHP
> to run.   ie.
> /kolab/bin/php ./install-packages.php

pertinent entries from my history list include:

 1626  cvs -d :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository checkout
framework imp kronolith mnemo nag passwd turba ingo
 1627  cd framework/
 1628  /kolab/bin/php install-packages.php
 1629  alias pear=/kolab/bin/pear
 1630  /kolab/bin/php install-packages.php
 1634  PATH=/kolab/bin:$PATH
 1635  echo $PATH
 1636  export PATH
 1637  /kolab/bin/php install-packages.php
 1639  history >> /home/will/kolab/HORDE.sh
 1640  vi /home/will/kolab/HORDE.sh

the contents of that file are:


# HORDE instrux according to kolab.org/webclient.html

if [ -z "`grep 'pgsql' downloads/obmtool.conf`" ];
        echo 'add SQL support to "obmtool.conf" for PHP and APACHE:'
        echo '  --with=mod_php_pgsql        # for your apache rpm'
        echo '  --with=pgsql                # for your php rpm'

if [ -z "`grep 'safe_mode' /kolab/etc/php/php.ini | grep -i off`" ];
        echo 'turn "safe_mode" OFF in /kolab/etc/php/php/ini'

cd downloads
./obmtool kolab

/kolab/bin/pear install -f Net_IMAP Log Mail_Mime File Date
#/kolab/bin/pear install -f Net_IMAP Log Mail_Mime File Date Net_Socket

#cd /kolab/var/kolab/www
#echo "Use Password 'horde'"
#cvs -d :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository login
#cvs -d :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository checkout horde
#cd horde/
#cvs -d :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository checkout
framework imp kronolith mnemo nag passwd turba ingo
cd /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde
cvs update

cd framework/
export PATH=/kolab/bin:$PATH
/kolab/bin/php install-packages.php

# /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template should contain:
#       include /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/scripts/ldap/horde.schema
# if you tweak the template, then:
#       /kolab/sbin/kolabconf
# to regenerate configs and restart the ldap server

> 3.  Install the stable versions of horde and not the CVS version (you do not
> run install-packages.php).  You would need to change the include path to have
> the horde/lib directory though.

i'm almost to this point. did i miss anything above, tho? in theory,
assuming i've done as indicated, i *should* have a working horde,

will trillich
"Their is five errers in this sentance."

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