Proposal of a bounty program for horde fixup and enanchments?

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan-oliver.wagner at
Fri Jun 16 09:47:39 CEST 2006

On Thursday 15 June 2006 11:06, Fabio Pietrosanti wrote:
> There are a lot of little fixup and/or enanchments on which many
> organization would be interested in.
> However i am talking about little fixes and/or little enanchments that
> can be done with half day or 1 day of work and will not to be a 'great
> deal' for any company but would be in the interest of most of private
> consultants.
> Why not setup a 'Bounty program' in which everyone ask for a feature or
> for a bugfix and propose the amount of money that it's willing to pay
> for such development activity?
> Would be this idea acceptable for the KK managing the project?

anything that helps further development and spread of Kolab
is welcome!

The KKs concept is that companies using Kolab buy a support contract
based on per-email-account annual fees.
This revenue we spend on the base work (bug-fixes, not-so-much-fun work
such as testing, etc.)

A bounty program could be a complementary activity to some extend.
> Imho kolab would really need a boost of activity in order to compete
> with other solutions like opengroupware.

Its hard to compete with millions of VC. Lets see what happens if VC
burned out.
However, for sure this is a general problem.



Jan-Oliver Wagner:  | GISpatcher:
Kolab Konsortium : | Thuban    :
Intevation GmbH  :       | Kolab     :
FreeGIS          :         | GAV       :

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