Kolab-OpenPKG segfault while compiling GCC...

I.BIN.DAHAM i.bin at dah.am
Tue Jun 6 21:30:00 CEST 2006

Dear Christophe !

I am playing around about 1 month getting kolab working on debian pure 64.
What i can say is, that i had the same troubles like you.
My gcc didn't compile an the build process always terminated.
You have to use the switch --disable-multilib. I found the hint on an
forum in the internet.
But that's not enough. The next prob you will run into is the thread
problem in the openldap build.
The reason is very hidden. The problem is the db4 library.
You have to enable the thread support in db4 too.
I wonder that all packages i built weren't 64 bit clean.
So i began to port on package on another.
It was very tricky.
So, on now, my build is runnig. But there's problem with the amavis.
I ported all perl-packages to 5.8.8 (openpkg cvs mirror) but the error
still remains.
Amavis always segfaults if spamassassin and clamav are enabled.
This is reproducable with the version 2.3.3 - 2.4.1 which i tried all
one by one.
Is there a working config for clamav and spamassasin for kolab ? Please
provide me the config. I tried all the configs i found on the net.
So for my setup, i disabled amavis in the postfix config. I use
clamsmtpd to scan mails vor viruses.
Btw, the debian packages i tried first weren't working.
So if you or the kolab group provide me an upload space, i will upload
all src.rpm and amd64 rpms to install kolab without troubles on debian
I would be pleased to someone honor my porting and provide me an upload

I used the beta1 repository for my build.
I used the openpackage cvs repository for perl 5.8.8 bindings.
I patched nearly al spec files.

Some questions: Why you don't disable the mulitlib support and make a
configure rule to find the right arch for the build ?

Thanks in advance


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