prerequisites for private calendar items being private

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Jan 24 17:33:44 CET 2006

Hi Holger,

Am Dienstag, 17. Januar 2006 16:56 schrieb Holger Leskien:
> after discovering that private calendar items in an installation (Kolab
> v2.0.1, Toltec Connector 2.0.6, Outlook 2003+2001) are not private at
> all, I followed the actual discussion about this in some places.
> I had the impression that private items should be private in the above
> installation. What is going wrong? What may I have overlooked? What
> prerequisites should be met that it works correctly?

the discussion is not yet concluded.

Currently with Kolab, the access permissions can only set per folders,
and the attributes on a special appoinment can be used as an indicator
for the sensitivity, but will not restrict access.

If you want a privat calendar, you need to create a new one and give it the 
right permissions. This will lead to a problem when you want to have a 
reminder on this appointment. One workaround is to make a second appointment
with less information in the main folders.

A real solution could be, if we can convince the connector producers
to change the handling of the "other" folders in
one or the other ways, e.g. make Reminders fire in other folders
or indroduce "hidden" folders holding part of the data.


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