Using kolab- LDAP Addressbook with Thunderbird

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Thu Mar 17 23:57:19 CET 2005

Am Donnerstag, 17. März 2005 20:53 schrieb Georg Lerch:


> base_dn : dc=kidlinux

> bind_dn : cn=manager,dc=kidlinux

> php_dn : cn=nobody,dc=kidlinux

> Hostname: kidlinux
> Basis BN (Base DN): dc=kidlinux

Please setup your machine correctly using a valid hostname _and_ a valid 
domain name. (sofar you are missing the domain name)

-- martin

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e r f r a k o n - Stuttgart, Germany
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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