cpio: MD5 sum mismatch at package perl-mail

Thomas Lotterer thl at dev.de.cw.com
Wed Mar 16 09:03:29 CET 2005

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005, Michael Schmitt wrote:

> As I try to install kolab (sh obmtool kolab) I get an error with the
> package perl-mail. [...]
Looks like a corrupt RPM.

Removing the source and binary RPMs from /kolab/RPM/PKG as well as
the extracted versions from /kolab/RPM/SRC and the working files from
/kolab/RPM/TMP was a good idea and should always be performed.

The question remains whether a new corrupt binary is being build during
installation or a defective binary is being picked up from another
place. Please examine the output of obmtool carefully and watch which
binary is picked up. The --verbose and --debug options to obmtool
greatly increase output details and aid troubleshooting.

If you find out the offending RPM check its integrity with --checksig
option to rpm. Something like

$ /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm --checksig \
/kolab/RPM/PKG/perl-mail-5.8.6-2.3.0.ix86-suse9.2-opkg.rpm: sha1 md5 OK

The term "sha1 md5 OK" is critical and case sensitive! Defects yield
"sha1 MD5 NOT OK".

There are other possible causes. The cpio in the bootstrap might be
broken. Verify install integrity using

$ /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -V openpkg
S.5..UGT c /kolab/etc/rc.conf

It is normal that rc.conf changes but other files, especially binarys,
must not be listed as changed.

I remember a similar message is printed by cpio when the destination or
temporary filesystem is out of disk space.

Thomas.Lotterer at cw.com, Cable & Wireless

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