internal compiler error: Illegal instruction

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Wed Sep 22 23:44:22 CEST 2004

Am Mittwoch, 22. September 2004 23:03 schrieb Slaanesh:


> Just by checking the space left on memory and swap ?

Yes, and in addition you typically get also some messages by some system 
components. (Watch the syslog carefully)

-- martin

Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold

e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Nobelstrasse 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
fon: 0711 67400963, fax: 0711 67400959
email: martin.konold at

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