Problem bootstrapping on SuSE 9.1

hftdhfdh dummy at
Fri May 14 20:21:22 CEST 2004


Thank you for taking the time to answer.

For your information I did export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1  which I 
presume equals point 1 (i.e. remove SuSE pthread package before 
building) - I might very well be wrong though ;-)

I'll try 2 and 3 as well

best regards
John Romedahl

Thomas Lotterer wrote:

>On Wed, May 12, 2004, hftdhfdh wrote:
>>I've tried searching for an answer on the web and newsgroups- sorry if
>>I missed it...
>>When bootstrapping OpenPKG 2.0 as 
>>"sh  --prefix=/kolab 
>>--user=kolab > bootstrap.log"
>>I end up with two errors. [libpthread _errno]
>this is an OpenPKG issue unrelated to Kolab. OpenPKG 2.0 was released
>before SuSE 9.1, so it was only tested on SuSE 8.2 and SuSE 9.0. In
>fact, the OpenPKG developers are still waiting for a copy of SuSE 9.1
>[1] which should get installed into the OpenPKG build farm this week
>for porting the next OpenPKG release. In the meantime you can try some
>things on your own while keeping an eye on the openpkg.spec progress
>- remove SuSE pthread package before building
>- try latest openpkg-2.0.x [2]
>- try current openpkg-2004... [3]
>Thomas.Lotterer at, Cable & Wireless

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