WIKI extension?

Markus Heller markus at
Thu Aug 19 23:18:17 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hi guys,

friends and I have been discussing about which were the necessary features of 
the ideal collaboration tools. We found that in many enterprises many 
discussions are led by huge email threads. Some more matured enterprises use 
newsgroups for that. Though, knowledge on certain projects and varius other 
things is simply not made available to all those who really need it. 

In our eyes a wiki is the best system to organize knowledge in an open and 
easy-to-use way. Wiki systems are widespread in the OpenSource world. We 
wonder: Why is the wiki technology not part of kolab / kontact? 

The requirements specification would be this: 
- - have a wiki server as part of kolab
- - have the wiki operate through ssl and only on authentification
- - have the wiki organize its pages depending on visibility rights which are 
derived from a group system. --> Not every employee will be entitled to see 
information from every knowledge field in an enterprise. So this constitutes 
the need for a dynamic group system..., which should be part of the 
architecture anyway, right?
- - have a wiki client as part of kontact and/or as an independent application. 
This may be konqueror with a preset url and with previous authentification to 
the kolab/wiki server. The authentification must be transparent. 

We have come to understand that knotes is fine for personal purposes, but 
inadequate for sharing information on an enterprise level. 

What do you think of this?

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