Status of Kolab Community Edition?

Reitelbach, Thomas tr at
Wed May 1 11:41:30 UTC 2024

Hallo list,

I wonder if there is any development ongoing on Kolab Enterprise and/or 
Kolab Community Edition. It's very quiet on the lists and I have 
difficulties getting usable and reliable information on the web 
regarding Kolab.
Documentation for Kolab seems very outdated, it references Builds for 
Operating systems that do not work at this time (Debian 10, CentOS 7 and 
so on). The referenced mirrors in this documentation do not work, 
referenced Package signatures (for example for debian) do not work or 
the GPG Keys are simply missing and so on.
The different projects on OBS seem all not usable, are missing packages 
or have serveral failed packages.

I found blog entries regarding installation on Alma Linux which seems to 
be the current reference installation, but even this does not work 
(installation works, but after setup-kolab it leaves an unusable kolab 
installation, for example mailboxes for new users are not beeing 
Or, if mailbox creation works somehow, roundcube users can only see 
their mailbox but none of the additional folders, even if they are 
existing on the imap store.

So can someone please enlighten me if there is any work in progress on 
the community edition at all? For me the project - as I see it right now 
- looks dead. This would be very sad, as I'm a kolab users since Kolab 2 
and I really love it.


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