Kolab upgrade

ladas at seznam.cz ladas at seznam.cz
Tue Feb 8 14:55:12 CET 2022

Hi everybody.

I discovered strange trouble with Kolab upgrade at one server. Yum shows this message:

Transaction check error:
  file /usr/share/iRony/vendor from install of iRony-0.4.6-2.6.el7.kolab_16.noarch conflicts with file from package iRony-0.4.5-2.25.el7.kolab_16.noarch

os is CentOS 7

I tred to ask brother Google but find only one solution. deinstall old package and install new one. But at iRony are some related Kolab packages so I do not think this strategy is a good way. Can someone advice me a correct solution? Thank you very much for any answer.

Greetings ladas

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